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Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 11:16am.
November SMTA Oregon Chapter Meeting
Topic: Failure Analysis: Lessons Learned Manufacturing and Field Reliability With a Focus on Failure Analysis of Assembly Case Studies
When reviewed in conjunction with research, failures provide a unique perspective on design for manufacturability and reliability. This presentation will provide valuable lessons learned from practical experience through discussion of material selection, current electronics research and failure analysis case studies. Design considerations for advanced assembly processes and analytical techniques for materials characterization will also be covered. In addition, a review of lead-free laminate selection and testing procedures will shed some light on the question, “Can your board withstand 9x reflow?” Members of the SMTA Portland Chapter are encouraged to bring specific questions or examples of surface mount process difficulties to be shared in an open discussion at the end of the presentation. • Major difficulties in lead-free reliability testing • Mixed alloy assembly best practices • ENEPIG intermetallic formation morphologies • PCB plating considerations • Analytical testing techniques • Root causes of production failures • Failure analysis studies — Fine-pitch printing, PoP, 01005 defects and high Tg laminate failures
Denis C. Barbini, Ph.D.
Denis is the Associate Director of the Universal Instruments’ Advanced Process Laboratory. He started his career in the electronics manufacturing world after earning his Doctorate in Chemistry from Binghamton University. His current focus is identifying the critical needs in emerging technologies and electronics assembly processes in order to develop specific research and development projects. Denis has authored hundred’s of peer reviewed articles, several books and presented to thousands of his peers on the results of his research over the past 14 years.
Denis has travelled the electronics manufacturing world visiting over 30 countries providing guidance and solutions to people and companies designing and manufacturing devices such as cell phones and computers to pacemakers and aerospace devices. These companies look to implement cost effective, reliable and robust processes that deliver the specified functionality and reliability.
Denis volunteers his time serving on the board of the Surface Mount Technology Association. For the past 7 years, his focus has been on implementing new programs that deliver leading edge technology solutions for the user.
Dave Larson - President - Oregon Chapter SMTA (503) 780-5177
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