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Friday, July 23, 2010 at 10:59am and last updated
Friday, July 23, 2010 at 11:01am.
Open 11am - 9pm daily

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SaturdaySep 11 2010Beermongers' Cycle Hunt
To celebrate an amazing first year in business The Beermongers will host the first annual PDX Cycle Hunt from 10am to 9pm on Saturday, September 11.
This event will involve individuals, teams of friends or families riding their bicycles, recumbents, tandems, unicycles, whatever around PDX following clues to various other small businesses. The first, second and third teams back to the Beermongers with verified evidence that they have visited each of the businesses will win a prize. Beer will be available to everyone with a valid license that states you are over 21. This event is open to all ages.
More information, and registration info, forthcoming.