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MondayOct 26 2009Social Networking for Business 101
Already have your social networking profiles setup and optimized to market your professional identity? GREAT!
Then PLEASE forward this message to your colleagues who are overwhelmed by invites to social networking sites and have only the bare bones of a profile set up on the sites they are on.
But if you want to leverage your social networking profiles on Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook, and other social networking sites to market your business, this message is for YOU:
Join us on Monday October 26th, 2009 at 1pm for a special 4 hour class on how to set-up and optimize your social networking profiles, where you will learn the following:
* How to claim your personalized url for Linkedin and Facebook, and why it's important to do it. * How to optimize your social networking profiles for search results and as a way to market your business. * How to connect your social networks to each other. * The key to developing effective connections on different social networking sites.
And that's not all!
Social Networking for Business also teaches you how to write profiles that get you noticed.
You'll learn how to:
* Organize your thoughts, pick a key message * Use current events to keep your status updates relevant. * Write DREAMY, attention-grabbing copy
Social Networking for Business: One half day delivers killer writing and optimized social networking profiles!
In just 4 hours you'll learn the basics of social networking: How to set up and use your profile to market your business, AND write memorable content that gets you noticed.
But Wait!! That's not all! You'll also get:
* The Write it Rich Workbook to help you write dreamy copy * The Five Tips to Manage Your Social Media Free E-book * A free half hour audio seminar on Social Bookmarking and how to use it to market it your business.256256