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Friday, March 20, 2009 at 3:43pm and last updated
Friday, March 20, 2009 at 3:44pm.
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TuesdayApr 7 2009Best Practices for Gathering Intelligence via Web Based Tools
The Internet provides a wealth of resources, well beyond Google, that competitive intelligence professionals use to gather information. Join us for the April Oregon SCIP event, where panelists and attendees will share their best tools and techniques for gathering specific kinds of competitive information.
Learn how CI professionals use the Web to get details on the following:
How have a competitor's products or services evolved over time?
Are they launching new strategic initiatives?
Are they expanding into other geographies or industries?
How are their products or services priced?
Are they growing or shrinking in this economy?
What tools to CI professionals use to organize and disseminate information throughout their organization?
The structure of this event is designed to allow attendees collaborate and network with each-other, as well as CI professional panelists, and share the best resources for acquiring competitive information.
Speakers Kathry Brost, Dennis Muscato and SCIP Oregon Chapter Chair Sean Campbell
Location Jake’s Grill 611 SW 10th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 Phone: 503.220.1850