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Friday, February 27, 2009 at 9:15am and last updated
Friday, February 27, 2009 at 9:16am.
Central Portland Workforce Training Center
The Central Portland Workforce Training Center, a 31,000 square foot facility, is located near OMSI in central eastside Portland. The three-story structure was built in 1996 for $4.4 million thanks to the passage of a bond measure in 1992, and it traditionally serves more than 10,000 students in day, evening and weekend course offerings every year. The facility also has a 158-space parking lot and is near many of Portland's largest streets and freeways.
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WednesdayMar 25 2009Technology Management (networking and meeting)
Succeeding with External Alliances: Applying Tested Tools to the New Environment
(presented by the Technology Management Chapter (TMC) of the IEEE)
Objective: provide managers with a fresh look at the external alliances as a tool to succeed in a challenging economy.
Time: March 25, 2009. 6:00-7:00 P.M. Networking and snacks begin at 5:30 P.M.
Registration: To sign up now, click here. Walk-ins welcome, but pre-registration is preferred.
Speaker: Dr. Ron Khormaei, Director of Engineering for the Audio Business Electrical group, Logitech.
Location: PCC Central Portland Workforce Training Center, 1626 SE Water Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97214. Room 202/203.
Price: $10. Includes snacks and beverages. Parking not included.