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Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 10:15am and last updated
Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 10:19am.
The Fresh Pot on N Mississippi
A nice neighborhood coffee shop on North Mississippi Avenue. Also, a longtime Personal Telco node, often filled with laptop-using coffee drinkers.
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Past events that happened here
SundayMar 1 2009Mississippi Community Network Work Party
This is a maintenance work party for the Mississippi Community Wireless Network along N. Mississippi Avenue. The network is a project of the Personal Telco Project, starting in 2005. Recently, some of our rooftop gear has failed and needs replacing. Come see how a neighborhood-wide wifi network is constructed. Maybe you can do the same in your neighborhood too!
Meet at the Fresh Pot at 1pm, we'll head across the street at about 1:15. If you are going to be late, contact me ([email protected]) ahead of time and I'll give you my cellphone number so someone can let you in.