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Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at 12:42pm and last updated
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at 12:45pm.
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TuesdayDec 9 2008SAO Value Based Selling: Software Sales Certification Program–
NetDeskCost: $1795 for members $1995 for non members
Since its release over 5,000 software sales professionals have attended VBS seminars from throughout US, Canada, and Europe. VBS clients include IBM, 3M and GE software subsidiaries, Intuit, Misys, CFI Systems (Harland Financial), Sage Software (Timberline Software), Microsoft (Exact/Macola Software ), Inspiration Software and many more!
We've grown our sales force from 3 to 17 people since first deploying Value Based Selling. Since then our sales have grown 15% to 100% per year qualifying us as one of INC Magazine's 500 fastest growing companies for several years running. Over 12 years later we still train every new salesperson in Value Based Selling. -Mark Oronzio, Sr. VP of Sales, Inspiration Software
Non-Certification Track Components: Two Day Live Seminar/Workshop For sales professionals who want training on the VBS practices and processes, but do not want coaching or certification. Non-certification track participants may add 3 and/or 6 months of coaching after completing the two-day live seminar/workshop.