Change 71400

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #71400

update Calagator::Event 1250481024 PDXPUG: What's coming up in PostgreSQL 17 Roll back

description PostgreSQL 17 will is in feature freeze. The expected release date is sometime this Setpember. We will review freely available presentations available on the internet to see what we can can expect in the next major release. Come learn what's new, share experiences with changes, or just meet with local peers! Casual, informal. Please RSVP in the MeetUp link to help us gauge expected attendance. PostgreSQL 17 is in feature freeze. The expected release date is sometime this September. We will review freely available presentations available on the internet to see what we can can expect in the next major release. Come learn what's new, share experiences with changes, or just meet with local peers! Casual, informal. Please RSVP in the MeetUp link to help us gauge expected attendance.