Change 71229

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Change #71229

create Calagator::Event 1250480955 Mint the New Year, 3D Print the Future Roll back

description nil The 3D Printing landscape has recently changed rapidly. The middle market between cheap hobbyist and expensive aerospace grade printers has been filled. Along with that comes boundless opportunity for more robust applications that provide higher quality, more agility, cost reduction and sustainability to small and medium makers. This seminar will not try to sell you 3D printers, in fact, it won't even mention any brand names. This is impartial advice from someone who invented a 3D printer on how to choose the right one, how to get the most out of it, and how to avoid common challenges, plus bonuses on how the fourth industrial revolution is altering what's possible. Whether you're considering 3D printing for the first time or you want to optimize your use of the printers you already have, this is for you.
end_time nil 2024-02-17 12:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250480955
start_time nil 2024-02-17 10:00:00 -0800
title nil Mint the New Year, 3D Print the Future
url nil
venue_details nil The SDF Collective is a content creative space in the heart of downtown Gresham. There is plenty of parking behind the building and the receptionist will point you to where the seminar is being held.
venue_id nil 202397657