Change 23

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Change #23

update Calagator::Event 1250457541 Portland Functional Programming Study Group: Slate and more Roll back

description <i>Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming.</i> VENUE The meeting will be in the events room. If you enter through the venue's Hawthorne entrance, this room will be on your right. CONTENT * Brian Rice will talk about the functional aspects of his <a href="">Slate programming language</a>. * ...and more great talks and open discussions at the meeting. <i>Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming.</i> VENUE The meeting will be in the events room. If you enter through the venue's Hawthorne entrance, this room will be on your right. CONTENT * Brian Rice will talk about the functional aspects of his <a href="">Slate programming language</a>. * ...and other great talks and open discussions at the meeting.
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