Change 171

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Change #171

update Calagator::Event 1250457728 RNA Networks at STAC Performance Summit Roll back

description RNA networks is the leader in memory virtualization software. The company's Memory Virtualization Platform eliminates application bottlenecks associated with memory, and transforms memory into a shared, networked resource available to servers in the data center. RNA products scale across commodity hardware, take advantage of existing data center equipment, and are implemented without application changes to deliver unmatched performance. RNA networks is located in Portland Oregon and Silicon Valley, and is funded by Menlo Ventures. RNA Network is attending the STAC Performance Summit in New York. Attendance from end-user firms (sell-side, buy-side, exchange/ATS) is unlimited, and those end-user firms that are not already members can attend by becoming Observer Members (follow the links from the meeting registration page above). Vendor members can send two representatives (sponsors can send more). RNA networks, the leader in memory virtualization software, is attending the next STAC Performance Summit in New York City on October 27. RNA's Memory Virtualization Platform eliminates application bottlenecks associated with memory, and transforms memory into a shared, networked resource available to servers in the data center. Ed Bugnion, CTO of Cisco's Server Access and Virtualization Business Unit and former co-founder of VMWare will provide the opening keynote address. The meeting will cover topics in trade execution, messaging, and market data, as well as how Council members are putting STAC Benchmarks into practice. And, by popular demand, we're bringing back the Innovation Roundup, a "speed dating" service in which vendors have 5 minutes to present a new product or case study.