Change 16556

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Change #16556

create Calagator::Event 1250462706 Portland Mayoral Debate: Startups and Technology Roll back

description nil Elemental Technologies will host a debate between Portland mayoral candidates Charlie Hales and Jefferson Smith on August 13th at its new offices on SW Broadway in downtown Portland. The candidates will come together to discuss how their leadership can nurture the city’s budding software industry and support the local entrepreneurial ecosystem. Roy Kaufmann, a well-known media professional, will moderate the event. In addition, the public can submit questions to the forum via Twitter using the hashtag #pdxmayor during the debate. Queries will be submitted to the moderator as the debate occurs -- so don’t hesitate to tune in online and pose your pertinent questions to these two compelling candidates!
end_time nil 2012-08-13 12:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250462706
start_time nil 2012-08-13 11:00:00 -0700
title nil Portland Mayoral Debate: Startups and Technology
url nil
venue_id nil 202393414