Change 16516

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #16516

update Calagator::Event 1250462691 Beaver BarCamp 10 Roll back

description Join us at Beaver BarCamp 10 for collaborative discussions and participatory workshops in everything from building robots to gardening to writing better code! Beaver BarCamp 10 is free and open to everyone. Attend the sessions that catch your interest or propose your own talk on your current project or favorite hobby. Refreshments provided. Join us at Beaver BarCamp 10 for collaborative discussions and participatory workshops in everything from building robots to gardening to writing better code! Attend the sessions that catch your interest or propose your own talk on your current project or favorite hobby. Refreshments provided. Beaver BarCamp 10 is hosted by the Oregon State University Open Source Lab and is free and open to the public. To learn more about attending or presenting a talk, visit the Beaver BarCamp website.