Change 16495

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #16495

update Calagator::Event 1250462418 Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Roll back

description The Portland Ruby Brigade has been meeting up for 10 years! We'll have cake, drinks and some curious presentations. Hop on the mailing list for further discussions to celebrate. Further details will be added here as we figure them out. <i>ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".</i> <i>VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":</i> The Portland Ruby Brigade has been meeting up for 10 years! We'll have cake, drinks and some curious presentations. If you'd like, please bring dessert-ish yummies to share with others. Presentations: * Markus Roberts, Ruby puzzle (hopefully) * Phil Tomson "Back in the day", tales from the early days of pdxruby * Igal Koshevoy "Highlights from the last 5 years of pdxruby" * Rogelio J. Samour "I know Kung Fu! (or neo4j on Rails without jRuby)" <a href="">details</a> * Igal Koshevoy on travis-ci, a free, open source continuous integration system <i>ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".</i> <i>VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":</i>