Change 16462

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #16462

update Calagator::Event 1250462668 IT/Technical Professionals Mixer Roll back

description Come meet for drinks and engage with fellow professionals in a relaxed social setting to exchange stories, career advice, and make new connections in the local industry. All positions in the IT and Technology worlds are welcome, including project managers, systems engineers, desktop support, dba's, developers, security analysts, business analysts, enterprise architects, design experts, IT/Technology managers, and all other associated fields. Please note, this event is at Kell's new 2nd location in the Pearl District. It is a wonderful establishment with a great back room tailor-made for events like this. Come join us!! Sponsored by Portland Job Group. Please note new date!! Moving to avoid conflict with SEMPDX Rooftop Networking Party. Come meet for drinks and engage with fellow professionals in a relaxed social setting to exchange stories, career advice, and make new connections in the local industry. All positions in the IT and Technology worlds are welcome, including project managers, systems engineers, desktop support, dba's, developers, security analysts, business analysts, enterprise architects, design experts, IT/Technology managers, and all other associated fields. Please note, this event is at Kell's new 2nd location in the Pearl District. It is a wonderful establishment with a great back room tailor-made for events like this. Come join us!! Sponsored by Portland Job Group.
end_time 2012-08-14 20:00:00 -0700 2012-08-16 20:00:00 -0700
start_time 2012-08-14 18:00:00 -0700 2012-08-16 18:00:00 -0700