Change 16193

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Change #16193

create Calagator::Event 1250462578 Fireside Chat with Founders Fund Geoff Lewis & Urban Airship's Scott Kveton Roll back

description nil Come hear from Geoff Lewis, Principal at Founders Fund and Scott Kveton, CEO/Founder of Urban Airship as they sit down for a casual "Fireside Chat" this August in Portland. They will take 20-30 minutes to talk, and then take questions from the audience for the remaining time. And of course, since this is Portland, there will be beer. There's a lot to learn from these guys and we're thrilled to see this event coming together for the community here in Portland.
end_time nil 2012-08-06 19:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250462578
start_time nil 2012-08-06 17:30:00 -0700
title nil Fireside Chat with Founders Fund Geoff Lewis & Urban Airship's Scott Kveton
url nil
venue_id nil 202392011