Change 15973

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Change #15973

update Calagator::Event 1250462457 OWASP FLOSSHack - Ushahidi Roll back

description FLOSSHack is an experimental workshop project designed to bring together those who want to learn more about "hacking" (secure programming and application pentesting) with those who are in need of low cost or pro bono security auditing. This first ever FLOSSHack event will be focused on the <a href="">Ushahidi</a> platform. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a 501c3 not-for-profit worldwide charitable organization focused on improving the security of application software. To sign up for future meeting notes and to discuss security topics with local gurus, sign up on the OWASP Portland mailing list: Meetings are free and open to the public. <a href="">FLOSSHack</a> is an experimental workshop project designed to bring together those who want to learn more about "hacking" (secure programming and application penetration testing) with those who are in need of low cost or pro bono security auditing. This <a href="">first ever FLOSSHack</a> event will be focused on the <a href="">Ushahidi</a> platform. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a 501c3 not-for-profit worldwide charitable organization focused on improving the security of application software. To sign up for future meeting notes and to discuss security topics with local gurus, sign up on the OWASP Portland mailing list: Meetings are free and open to the public.