Change 15972

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #15972

update Calagator::Event 1250462476 PDX Open Source GIS Meeting Roll back

description Distributed version control systems have quickly become the dominant means of code collaboration in the open source community. Darrell Fuhriman will be giving a quick overview on version control, specifically git and give examples of how projects use git and github to manage their code. Updates on WhereCamp, NACIS, and other geoconferences, and regular OSGeo business to follow. Distributed version control systems have quickly become the dominant means of code collaboration in the open source community. Darrell Fuhriman will be giving a quick overview on version control, specifically git and give examples of how projects use git and github to manage their code. Want a head start? Check out <a href=""></a> for some great reference guides and tutorials. Updates on WhereCamp, NACIS, and other geoconferences, and regular OSGeo business to follow.
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