Change 15962

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #15962

update Calagator::Event 1250462466 PDXPython Monthly Hack Night Roll back

description Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on third Wednesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! **Note: Please RSVP on Meetup if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. :) Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on third Wednesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! **Note: Please [RSVP on]( if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. :)
locked nil false