Change 12085

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #12085

create Calagator::Event 1250461744 Ignite Portland 10 Roll back

description nil Ignite Portland is an exciting, fast-paced, night of presentations where people can share their passions and burning ideas. The rules are fairly simple: 20 sides x 15 seconds per slide (auto-advancing) = 5 minutes of awesome. Presentations can be on nearly any topic, so long as they can teach, enlighten, or inspire us. More details at
end_time nil 2012-02-09 22:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250461744
source_id nil 996334689
start_time nil 2012-02-09 19:00:00 -0800
title nil Ignite Portland 10
url nil
venue_id nil 202390131