Change 12065

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Change #12065

update Calagator::Event 1250461732 FlashPDXmas - Year-end Social Roll back

description We are gathering for a year-end social, show-and-tell, and software giveaway. The theme for the evening will be mobile apps made with Adobe AIR. Bring your devices and sample apps to show and discuss. All are welcome. We'll have one copy of Adobe MasterCollection CS5.5 to give away as well as a collection of t-shirts, books, and other prizes. One rule: You must <a href="">RSVP on the Adobe Groups site</a> to be eligible for the software giveaway. Follow <a href="">@flashpdx</a> on twitter for updates. We are gathering for a year-end social, show-and-tell, and software giveaway. The theme for the evening will be mobile apps made with Adobe AIR. Bring your devices and sample apps to show and discuss. All are welcome. We'll have some Adobe software to give away as well as a collection of t-shirts, books, and other prizes. One rule: You must <a href="">RSVP on the Adobe Groups site</a> to be eligible for the software giveaway. Follow <a href="">@flashpdx</a> on twitter for updates. <b>Update:</b> Software giveaway will be an Adobe product of your choice. This includes various CS5.5 Suites, but does not include Master Collection. Sorry, people.