Change 12041

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #12041

update Calagator::Venue 202393106 Gateway Elks Lodge Roll back

description Gateway Elks Lodge is a membership organization. Non-members should be with a member to gain admittance. Non-members need to sign in. This venue does not open its meeting rooms for public use. For membership in the Elks Lodge, see their website. Elks Elks are a very civic minded fraternal non-profit group that supports many worthy causes and has a lot of community and member spirit. See their website for more info. Gateway Elks Lodge is a membership organization. Non-members should be with a member to gain admittance and need to sign in. This venue does not open its meeting rooms for public use. For membership in the Elks Lodge, see their website. Elks are a very civic minded fraternal non-profit group that supports many worthy causes and has a lot of community spirit.
events_count 1 2