Change 12040

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #12040

update Calagator::Venue 202393106 Gateway Elks Lodge - non-members allowed for this meeting Roll back

access_notes nil
address nil 711 NE 100th St, Portland, Oregon
country nil US
description nil Gateway Elks Lodge is a membership organization. Non-members should be with a member to gain admittance. Non-members need to sign in. This venue does not open its meeting rooms for public use. For membership in the Elks Lodge, see their website. Elks Elks are a very civic minded fraternal non-profit group that supports many worthy causes and has a lot of community and member spirit. See their website for more info.
email nil
latitude nil 45.5275
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.5607
postal_code nil 97220-4437
region nil Oregon
street_address nil 711 NE 100th St
telephone nil
title Gateway Elks Lodge - non-members allowed for this meeting Gateway Elks Lodge
url nil