Change 11996

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #11996

update Calagator::Event 1250461714 Portland Oregon Selenium Users Group - Inaugural Meeting Roll back

description Be part of the pdx Se inaugural meeting! Come enjoy some beers, meet fellow developers & testers and help mold the future of the Portland Selenium user group. Agenda: Meet & Greets Discuss Future: - Topics - Speakers - Venues - Frequency of meetups - Sponsors - Goals - etc... We hope to see you there! Be part of the pdx Selenium inaugural meeting! Come enjoy some beers, meet fellow developers & testers and help mold the future of the Portland Selenium user group. Agenda: Meet & Greets Discuss Future: * Topics * Speakers * Venues * Frequency of meetups * Sponsors * Goals * etc... We hope to see you there!
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