Change 11950

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #11950

create Calagator::Event 1250461684 Portland Perl Mongers – Pegex: Perl 6 Grammar Everywhere. Roll back

description nil speaker: Ingy döt Net - Acmeism ( is the ability to think about and express one's creative ideas, beyond language borders. In programming, this means creating things that benefit multiple languages and communities. Perl is effectively one great community with 2 great languages (Perl 5 and Perl 6). Acmeism is essential to mongers, but kindly extends to pythonistas, brigadiers and nodelings as well. Pegex is an Acmeist parsing language. Think of it as Perl 6 Rules and Regexp::Grammars for all programmers. Write One Grammar, Parse Everywhere. This makes Pegex the quintessential tool in the Acmeist's belt. is fully functional in Perl 5, and working it's way across the Acmeist landscape. Come see Ingy döt Net (an inventor of YAML and the father of Acmeism) talk about Pegex and the exciting future of Acmeism. As usual, the meeting will be followed by social hour at the Lucky Lab.
end_time nil 2011-12-08 20:39:00 -0800
id nil 1250461684
start_time nil 2011-12-08 18:53:00 -0800
title nil Portland Perl Mongers – Pegex: Perl 6 Grammar Everywhere.
url nil
venue_id nil 202389965