Change 11728

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Change #11728

update Calagator::Event 1250461637 AgilePDX Downtown Pub Lunch Roll back

description This month, James Shore will join us for an informal discussion of Agile estimation techniques. Options include techniques for estimating user stories, making and meeting iteration commitments, and how to make long-term release projections. Your interests will drive the conversation! James Shore teaches, writes, and consults on Agile development processes. He led his first Agile team in 1999 and was an early adopter of Extreme Programming in 2000. Today, he focuses on helping people who are willing to make dramatic changes in order to achieve great results. James is an inaugural recipient of the Agile Alliance's Gordon Pask Award for Contributions to Agile Practice and is co-author of The Art of Agile Development (O'Reilly, 2007). You can find screencasts and more of his writing on his "Art of Agile" blog at This month, James Shore will join us for an informal discussion of Agile estimation techniques. Options include techniques for estimating user stories, making and meeting iteration commitments, and how to make long-term release projections. Your interests will drive the conversation! James Shore teaches, writes, and consults on Agile development processes. He led his first Agile team in 1999 and was an early adopter of Extreme Programming in 2000. Today, he focuses on helping people who are willing to make dramatic changes in order to achieve great results. James is an inaugural recipient of the Agile Alliance's Gordon Pask Award for Contributions to Agile Practice and is co-author of The Art of Agile Development (O'Reilly, 2007). You can find screencasts and more of his writing on his "Art of Agile" blog at
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