Change 11721

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Change #11721

create Calagator::Event 1250461635 DorkbotPDX 0x07 Roll back

description nil <img src="" alt="0x07"> Dorkbot PDX would like to welcome you to the latest installment of our semi-regular presentation series: <h1>DorkbotPDX 0x07</h1> (zero-based) <b>When:</b> Monday, December 5th, 2011 - 8pm<br><b>Where:</b> Backspace ( map)<br><b>Who:</b> All ages -- open to the public<br><b>Cost:</b> Free!<br><b>What's happening?</b> Three great and inspiring talks regarding art, electronics, computers, physics, and a hybridized mega monster of all things strangely technical. Did we mention 3D bluetooth kittens and RF aardvarks dancing to the synthesizer sounds of the microcontroller apocalypse? Ok, I made that up...or did I? <h2>Art and Electronics: Arcing the Gap</h2> <h3>Jesse Mejia</h3> Jesse will present an overview of a few recently completed projects and a few works in progress. His talk emphasizes bridging the gap between artists and pseudo-engineers, and he challenges the community to come up with a proper term for this crossover behavior. Jesse is an artist and AV nerd represented digitally <a href="">at</a>. <h2>Getting Started With RF</h2> <h3>Ward Ramsdell</h3> Ward presents an overview of several affordable, contemporary wireless devices and demonstrates how they may be easily incorporated with today's microcontrollers. It's off-the-shelf RF demystified, and you too can go wireless with your projects! Ward Ramsdell is <a href="">a real engineer</a> who <a href="">helps takes real products to market</a>. <h2>SPROING!</h2> <h3>Simran Gleason</h3> <a href="">SPROING!</a> is a new web-based word game is like playing boggle in 3D, on platonic solids made of springs, with kittens (& aardvarks). Simran will show off Sproing & its HTML5 implementation, show the design evolution of the game, and give you the math of spring physics simulations. There will be a live multiplayer Sproing tournament during the talk, with chocolate at stake for the winner. Simran Gleason is an artist and a nerd. Usually he makes noise, but sometimes likes to turn physics into games. <h2>OpenDork</h2> <h3>You!</h3> An open-mic session for those looking to show off a project, ask a question, solicit help, or incite collaboration.
end_time nil 2011-12-05 22:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250461635
start_time nil 2011-12-05 20:00:00 -0800
title nil DorkbotPDX 0x07
url nil
venue_id nil 202390088