Change 11709

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Change #11709

update Calagator::Event 1250461557 Winter Coders' Social - Fifth Annual Edition Roll back

description We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the fifth time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. This is a potluck, so please bring something yummy to share with others. If possible, please label it for the sake of those with special dietary, e.g. "vegan", "vegetarian", gluten-free", etc. You can see what others are bringing and describe what you're bringing at -- although please be aware that only a fraction of dishes brought tend to be pre-listed. Like games? Bring your favorite and play it with others. Want to have an activity, sponsor or assist? Join the discussion at We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year. This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the fifth time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time. We'll have a potluck, so you're welcome to bring something yummy to share with others. Bring however much you think is appropriate. If possible, please label your food for the sake of those with special dietary needs, e.g. "vegan", "vegetarian", gluten-free", etc. If you'd like, tell others what you plan to bring at Like games? Bring your favorite and play it with others. Want to have an activity, sponsor or assist? Join the discussion at