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TuesdayAug 6 2019Redis Hands-on Developer Workshop (Free)
If you want to learn how to scale your web apps with Redis data structures (and modules), join Redis experts for a free (as in beer) full day of tutorials and hands-on. sessions.
The workshop will cover a variety of Redis programming topics, including: - An Overview of Redis Data Structures - Handling JSON Data in Redis - Transactions and Pipelining - Designing Robust and Reliable Redis Deployments - Redis Modules such as RediSearch, RedisGraph and RedisJSON
At the end of the workshop, you will take away: a working knowledge of Redis data structures and modules. Sample code demonstrating session management, JSON data handling, and the Redis PubSub system.
A Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. For the programming labs, please bring a laptop with Python3, a text editor, and the Python Redis package installed.
Register Today!