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926 NW 13th Ave
Portland, OR 97209, us (map)

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Past events that happened here

  • Tuesday
    Aug 27 2019
    PHPDX - Laravel and Vue.js
    php javascript


    Food, learning and a great time to network with the fabulous PHP Community! This month Kurtis Holsapple will be showing us how to Laravel and Vue.js work together.

    Kurtis is a developer here in Portland, OR who loves making things work, which is why he loves both Laravel and Vue.JS. Laravel is the most starred full stack framework on Github (54k stars at the time of writing) and it comes out of the box bootstrapped and ready to go with Vue.js. Because Laravel a server side framework, you have everything you need to get started writing an amazing web application out of the box. Because Vue.js is amazing, the Laravel community has adopted this frontend framework to make your life easier whenever you need to use Javascript. If you're curious about how well Vue can integrate with other tooling, this talk is for you! Evan You, the creator of Vue.js, has talked at the last three years of Laracon US.

    We'll talk about how you can use VueJS with Laravel, the tooling around modern PHP (composer, PHPUnit, etc), Laravel Mix (the Webpack configuration ready to go with Laravel) and more. Join us for a night of fun code examples and more!

    This is a companion talk focused more on the Laravel/PHP side of things. Join us at the Portland Vue.js meetup to continue this talk, but that one will focus more on the Vue side of things. https://www.meetup.com/Portland-Vue-js-Meetup/events/262453723/

  • Saturday
    Jun 22 2019
    Mentorship Saturdays - Mentorship Saturdays - Special June Edition
    php javascript


    Special June Edition! New Location! New Hosts!

    The location will be Vacasa!

    Your hosts will be Kyle H, Rocky K and Aaron C!

    Doors open at 10 AM and we start at 10:30 AM. We’ll go until 1:30PM.

    Street parking can get difficult on this block. You are invited to find street parking a few blocks away (north or east from the venue), and walk 5 minutes to get here.

    For parking lots, there are two (Portland owned parking at[masked] NW 15th Ave) and (Lot #245 at 1469 NW Johnson - $11 max).

    It's about a 12 minute walk (0.6 miles) from Union Station/NW 5th & Glisan MAX Station (Green line).

  • Saturday
    May 11 2019
    Mentorship Saturdays - Mentorship Saturdays - Special May Edition
    php javascript


    Special May Edition! New Location! New Hosts!

    The location will be Vacasa!

    Your hosts will be Kyle H and Rocky K!

    Doors open at 10 AM and we start at 10:30 AM. We’ll go until 1:30PM.

    Street parking can get difficult on this block. You are invited to find street parking a few blocks away (north or east from the venue), and walk 5 minutes to get here.

    For parking lots, there are two (Portland owned parking at[masked] NW 15th Ave) and (Lot #245 at 1469 NW Johnson - $11 max).

    It's about a 12 minute walk (0.6 miles) from Union Station/NW 5th & Glisan MAX Station (Green line).

  • Tuesday
    Feb 5 2019
    PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night


    🚨Special Presentation Night Alert! 🚨

    We're are extremely lucky to have Gil Tayar (a Node.js super-wizard) with us to take with him on a deep-dive into Node ES Modules.

    Here's Gil's rundown of what he'll be covering in his talk "Node ES Modules - something almost, but not quite entirely unlike CommonJS":

    CommonJS, along with the npm registry, has become the de-facto standard in Frontend and NodeJS development today. But Native ES Modules are coming to NodeJS and the browser. On the surface, they look incredibly similar to CommonJS modules, but the differences are important. In this talk I will describe these differences, the consequences of these differences, and how to start preparing for the new world of Native ES Modules.

    Why is this talk important? Because Native ES Modules are coming. And everybody will be talking about them in 2019. And we need to be prepared, for it is going to be a difficult transition, because the differences are subtle and they bite.

    (as a member of the Node Modules WG, I can definitely bring some insight into why ES Modules in Node is taking so long).

    👉This is going to be an epic night not to miss! See y'all there! 🎉🎉🎉

    Important Location Reminder
    We're meeting at Vacasa for this night only, rather than at Alchemy Labs (our usual spot).


    Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

    Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

    Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

    Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

    Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our speakers have been: Suz Hinton, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Paul Frazee, and more!

    Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

    People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

    Brief note about our location:

    Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)
