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  • Tuesday
    Jan 22 2019
    Startup Founders in Tech [1on1 Conversations over Video]


    Startup Founders of Tech Startups Only

    We're startup founders building tech products to solve problems in the world. 

    We come together from different backgrounds and industries and it's this diversity that makes group members valuable to one another. Some of us code. Others do marketing. Some of us think we'll be fundraising forever... No matter, we've got overlapping challenges and experiences to share with each other for what to do (and just as importantly what not to do).

    So, if you're looking to get smarter and move faster with your business, join us. We meet the 4th Tuesday of the month at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific. 

    Reach out if you have questions. 


    PS - If you're interested but not yet in the group, it's easy to join. RSVP for this event and I'll follow-up. We want to ensure the group remains as promised... a group of Startup Founders in Tech
