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Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 1:37pm.
John Deere Plow Company Building - 215 SE Morrison St
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TuesdayOct 16 2018Google & Wipster: Historic John Deere Building Open House
You're invited to Wipster and Google’s open house event!
Two of the most excited tech companies to hit PDX are forces for an evening of entertainment, video, networking, and to discuss the future of cloud collaboration
Come sip drinks at the new Wipster office, meet the teams behind the tech, network with other PDX leaders, and score awesome swag!
This is an open house event with a range of activities happening throughout the night, in a casual, fun, and informal setting.
Demo Room Pop-up Video Studio Smart Cloud Presentation Swag Raffle Food and Drinks Provided
Tuesday 16th October – Doors open at 5pm with the raffle and presentation at 6:30.
Wipster HQ – 215 SE Morrison St, Portland, OR.