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Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 10:14am.
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TuesdaySep 25 2018CNPDX Sept: Cloud-Native Databases with TiDB–
ElevenFor an opening act, CNPDX organizer Josh Berkus will demo a walk-through of deploying high availability PostgreSQL as an application on Kubernetes.
Our main event will be:
Deploying TiDB, a distributed open-source MySQL-Compatible HTAP Database, using Kubernetes
This talk will introduce TiDB's architecture, key use cases, a user story with Mobike (one of the largest bikesharing platforms in the world), and a deep-dive into deploying TiDB as a stateful application using Kubernetes. TiDB is built by the company PingCAP and its open-source community.
Speakers: Ed Huang (co-founder/CTO of PingCAP), Kevin Xu (GM of U.S. at PingCAP)
As a special bonus for this meetup, TiDB will hold a business card raffle for a Google Home Mini at the end of the presentation.
Our meetup host this month will be software maker Eleven.
PLEASE RSVP on if you can, so that we can get a headcount for food.