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400 Southwest 6th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)

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  • Thursday
    Jun 28 2018
    What Is ResearchOps? Workshop


    ResearchOps, an outgrowth of DesignOps, is a new and fast-growing field focused on managing research at scale and reducing operational inefficiencies. The ResearchOps Community (https://researchops.community) is now 700+ strong.

    Since its creation, the Slack Community has become a place for people from all walks of research and design life to exchange ideas, know-how, and, yes, frustrations, about the running of research teams and projects.

    The ResearchOps Community is running a series of global workshops to produce some kind of actionable framework for ResearchOps, and we're representing team USA with this workshop in Portland!

    Anything that we (and the global community) produce out of the workshops will be open-source: made by all who take part, shared back to you, and free to use.

    Some of the questions we’d like to explore are:

    1. What do you think ResearchOps includes?
    2. What research operational challenges have you experienced?
    3. What are your operational successes, if any?
    4. Where do you see opportunities to improve research operations in your organization?
    5. What should our Community do for its members?

    If there are questions you’d like to explore in addition to these let us know and we’ll make time for them!

    Learn more about the global workshop series here: https://medium.com/researchops-community/researchops-community-a-series-of-global-workshops-d48058ece814

    AGENDA 5:30pm: Networking 6:00pm: Welcome, workshop overview 6:30pm: Explore ResearchOps and share stories (we’ll take breaks) 8:15pm: Wrap-up, next steps

    Complimentary food and drinks will be provided!
