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Monday, February 5, 2018 at 4:10pm.
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ThursdayMar 1 2018PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT) Seasoned Women in Tech
Registration through Eventbrite [] is required to gain entry to this event
If you are a woman working in tech and you have 15 or more years of experience, we are your people!
Come join us for a happy hour with a Lean Coffee discussion drawing wisdom from the group about what has worked well — or not — in building good working relationships with staff much younger than you. If you’re tired of dressing in jeans or workout gear to fit in with the crowd, if video games have lost their allure as a topic of conversation, and drinking games with the guys after work is not attractive, we’re with you.
That said, as you’ve evolved, you’ve likely learned a tip or two to preserve your sense of who you are as seasoned women while “playing well with others.” Show up and do tell.
You can learn more about how Lean Coffee works here. Refreshments will be provided, courtesy of our friends at Garden Bar.
5:30 p.m. - Gather, chat and nosh.
6:00 p.m. - Lean Coffee discussion, broken into groups.
7:15 p.m. - Compare learnings across the Lean Coffee subgroups.
Event FAQ:
Q: Will there be gender neutral restrooms?
A: Yes.
Q: Is the space ADA accessible?
A: Yes. However, we have a step at the main entrance, so we will guide attendees with wheelchairs through an alternate entrance.
Q: Where there be food and drink at this event?
A: Yes, drinks and refreshments will be provided.
Q: What is the parking situation?
A: Metered parking is available on NE 15th Avenue, and free street parking is available along NE 16th Ave.
Q: Is there secured bike parking?
A: Secured bike parking is not available at this venue.
Q: Should I consider using public transportation?
A: Yes! There are multiple public transit options convenient to the venue.
PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.
Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.