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  • Wednesday
    Jan 31 2018
    Montavilla Hack Night LinuxFestNW Last Minute Talk Proposal Edition


    Join us this Wed for MoviHaNi, the Montavilla Hack Night!

    We'll be starting 4pm at Bipartisan Cafe, and will later migrate to happy hour food nearby. I expect some folks will join us later after work. Watch the group blog at https://movihani.pdxhub.org/ for location updates/photos.

    Bring a project or just come to learn something new. Areas of interest at previous sessions have included:

    • Software Radio
    • IoT integration
    • IndieWeb
    • containerized hosting

    Let's hack on stuff!

    This will be a great opportunity to write a LinuxFest Northwest 2018 talk/track proposal. Submissions close at midnight!

    Hope to see you there!

    P.S. If you can't come this week, watch out for future session. We are planning for this to be weekly-ish on Wednesdays.
