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Meriwether Lewis Elementary School

4401 SE Evergreen St
Portland, OR 97206, US (map)

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Past events that happened here

  • Wednesday
    Jan 27 2016
    PDXedTech Meetup: All about the education marketplace

    Do you know the difference between an LEA, ESD, and a SED? How about why the school year is broken into trimesters or semesters? There's much about the way our educational institutions operate that isn't apparent from the outside.

    In this month's meetup, we're going to change that by meeting at Lewis Elementary School. After a brief round of intros, we'll hear from a couple of folks from inside and outside education about successfully navigating the often tricky marketplace.

    This is the first in a series of meetups ahead of Portland's first StartupWeekendEDU, taking place April 8-10. We'll have pizza but no beer (it's an elementary school, remember?!).
