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Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 5:39pm.
Pacific Center - Schnitzer Conference Room - 2nd Floor
Attend Liferay's iBeacons workshop for free!
Developing cross-platform mobile apps using iBeacons
Learn the basics of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and iBeacons with James Falkner and how it can be used for interesting applications related to indoor positioning and location-aware apps. You'll build a cross-platform mobile app using Titanium Appcelerator (an open source cross-device mobile app platform) which displays engaging notifications as you move throughout a space and collects analytics along the way. Finally, you'll build a site using Liferay and build visualization plugins to be able to quickly see how you (and others!) are moving throughout the space using various visualizations like timelines, heatmaps, etc.
To get the most out of this workshop, you should have some programming experience in any language (we'll be primarily using JavaScript and Java), but it's not absolutely required. To be able to deploy apps to your phone during the workshop, you'll need a reasonably modern iOS or Android smartphone (one of these) running iOS 7.1+ or Android 4.3+.
Access Notes
Pacific Center - Schnitzer Conference Room - 2nd Floor
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