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Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 9:52am.
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TuesdaySep 20 2016Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
Getting Started with jHipster3
jHipster is a Yeoman generator that will generate a complete and modern Web app scaffold, unifying:
- A high-performance and robust Java stack on the server side with Spring Boot
- A sleek, modern, mobile-first front-end with AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap
- A powerful workflow to build your application with Yeoman, Bower, Gulp and Maven
Read more about jHipster here:
- jHipster Official Slides:
- jHipster at Spring I/O 2016:
Chris Anatalio is a Software Engineer at at Softsource Consulting( He has close to a decade of experience crafting enterprise Java applications and has a passion for the full stack of technologies from responsive AngularJS front-ends to Java/Spring backends. He also holds a BS in Computer Science from Virginia Commonwealth University. He is very active on Social Media, Stack Overflow, Github and in technical blogging.
TuesdayJul 19 2016Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
Rightsize Your Services with WildFly Swarm
There has been a rise in the popularity of microservices. We will look at using Java EE in microservices with the help of WildFly Swarm. You will see how easy you can make a microservice of an existing Java EE project.
James Perkins is a software developer at Red Hat working remotely from Portland, OR. He works as a core engineer on the WildFly Application Server, JBoss EAP, logging frameworks and JBeret (a JSR 352 batch implementation).
TuesdayJan 19 2016Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
Behavior Driven Development with the Spock Specification Framework
A brief introduction to Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and use of the Spock Specification Framework to achieve BDD. This presentation will provide a solid starting point for building BDD specifications in Spock and provide direction in which expand your knowledge of BDD as you delve into the Spock eco system.
- Overview of what BDD is and how it differs from Automated Testing
- Building a Specification with Spock from the ground up to achieve BDD
- Using Spock’s built in Mocking framework to mock data and test interactions
- Data Driven Testing using Spock’s Data Tables and Data Pipes
- Brief Introduction to Properties Based Testing and use of Spock Genesis for data generation
- How to utilize Specifications as Documentation
- Other odds and ends of the Spock Framework
Jamie L. Smyth
Through the course of nearly 20 years in professional software development, Jamie has promoted many rising paradigms that are in common practice today, including the use of Asynchronous Communication, Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State, Test Driven Development, and many others. Currently Jamie is brining Continuous Delivery and Deployment Automation to and Behavior Driven Development and Automated Testing are key components of this strategy. Jamie lives by the mantra that software should be a pleasure to use and create.
TuesdayNov 17 2015Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
Join us for pizza at 6 and the presentation will start at 6:30.
Glowroot: Open source Java APM
Trask Stalnaker, author of Glowroot, will discuss how it has evolved over the past 5 years from a couple AspectJ pointcuts and a flat text file, to a full Java APM tool with tracing, profiling, timers, gauges, percentiles, historical rollups, error capture, sql capture, alerting, plugin architecture, agent API and more.
Trask Stalnaker is a PJUG regular, author of Glowroot, long time Java programmer, and alumnus of Stanford University (Mathematics).
TuesdaySep 15 2015Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
Building an Upload Microservice using AWS
How is leveraging Amazon Web Services to create a scalable microservices architecture for object upload.
Whitney Hunter has been a software developer for 27 years. Over the last 15 years, he has been primarily focused on server side API development on the Java platform.
TuesdayAug 18 2015Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
Extending WildFly Application Server
WildFly Application Server is not only an open-source certified Java EE 7 container, but it can also be extended to better suit your needs. We'll take a look at how WildFly can easily be extended by creating a simple extension.
James Perkins is a software developer at Red Hat working remotely from Portland, OR. He works as a core engineer on the WildFly Application Server, JBoss EAP, logging frameworks and JBeret (a JSR 352 batch implementation).
Discoveries in microbenchmarking with JMH
Microbenchmarking is fraught with peril. Method inlining. Dead code elimination. Constant folding. False sharing. Loop unrolling. Bimorphic and megamorhpic call sites. This talk explores these fantastic mysteries using JMH, the excellent microbenchmark harness from Oracle developed under the OpenJDK project.
Trask Stalnaker is a 16-year Java programmer, author of Glowroot, Portland native and alumnus of Stanford University (BS Mathematics).
TuesdayJun 16 2015Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
Hyped for Hyperfit just spent the last year moving their commerce platform to a RESTful architecture, centered around the new Commerce Hyper API that drives the Mobile Native App experiences. A few interesting artifacts were created during this endeavor, some which will be open sourced in the coming months. One of these, Hyperfit, is library for consuming the resources & hypermedia controls of RESTful Applications & Hypermedia APIs inspired by Retrofit. The session will consist of two parts:
- An overview on RESTful Application Architecture
- Some coding with Hyperfit to consume & navigate a selection of Hypermedia APIs
Chris DaMour has been with for over a year as lead architect on the Commerce Hypermedia API. @drdamour /
Lightning Talks
Dynamic scalability using AWS Lambda
How does handle spikes in image upload traffic? Instead of attempting to predict load and have resources available for peak load, we are moving to the AWS Lambda service in order to dynamically scale our image processing functions. This will allow us to meet peak load and to reduce cost.
Whitney Hunter has been a software developer for 27 years. Over the last 15 years, he has been primarily focused on server side API development on the Java platform.
Client side HATEOAS
Client side programming for HAL+JSON is flexible and extendable. Individual UI components are created server side and displayed via links. This architecture allows for code reuse and rapid application updates.
Zachary Heusinkveld has been building client side applications for 7 years in enterprise and commercial spaces on Android, iOS, Windows and mobile web.