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Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 3:10am.
CTRL-H Hackerspace
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ThursdayJul 25 2019PDXNode NodeBots Day and Robot Talent Show
You are invited to a Robot Talent Show in celebration of NodeBots day. PDXNode and Ctrl-H are joining forces to blink those LED's and whirr those motors. Come join a team and build a small robotics project to impress your friends.
Orientation and teams at 6:30. Robot Talent Show at 9:00.
Welcome to a special edition of PDXNode Hack Night!
To learn more about International NodeBots Day, visit the official website:
SundayMar 31 2019Dorkbot Workshop: Linux Audio and Music Making
Interested in making music on Linux? Ever wanted to customize your own interface and workflow in your music making? Use your phone to do some mobile EQ-ing a venue, or completely repurpose a midi controller?
In this introductory workshop, we will explore different ways of interfacing with Linux-based audio applications in order to optimize modularity/customizability in an accessible fashion - this class is open to all levels, even if you are brand new to Linux!
I will demonstrate how users can use OSC (Open Sound Control, an alternative and complement to MIDI) to communicate between different programs such as Sooperlooper, Puredata (PD), Ardour, etc. We will utilize open-stage-control to play with how you can make your own GUI in an easy way. We will also glimpse at integrating some modules from automatonism in PD, which should feel familiar for synth lovers. I recommend installing and playing around with automatonism in PD (or another flavor of PD such as purrdata ) if you get the chance beforehand!
A Raspberry Pi or Linux laptop will be sufficient for this class, but you will probably want to use a usb sound card or an audio hat unless youdon't mind lots of cracks and pops! We will try to have as many computers available as we can on hand.
TuesdayNov 14 2017Rust Learning Group
"Office hours"-style project night with focus on Rust beginners, no experience necessary.
Bring your own project, help someone else with theirs, or start with compiling your first "Hello World!".
Entrance is on North Interstate across from the Lombard MAX station. Street-side parking available. Doors will be open 6-8pm.
SundayNov 13 2016DORKBOTPDX November 2016 Workshop: ESP 8266 for Beginners
ESP8266 for Beginners The ESP8266 allows you to create small microcontroller based projects that can be controlled via web interfaces. So you can control your project from your phone with a nice UI! Meaning you can get your project running faster because you don't have to create a full hardware UI for your project. We'll get the Arduino IDE up and running and try a few different programming options. We'll be programming the NodeMcu. This is a beginner class.
Instructor: Thomas Hudson Sunday November 13th, Noon to 3pm at Ctrl-H, 7608 N. Interstate, Portland, OR 97217 Cost: $25 goes to Ctrl-H and cost of hardware RSVP required! Limited to 15 people! RSVP to [email protected]
ThursdayMay 19 2016
ThursdayJan 28 2016The Wrong Digital Art Biennale
The Wrong is the largest and most comprehensive digital art biennale today. Its mission is to create, promote and push positive forward-thinking contemporary digital art to a wider audience worldwide through a biennial event that gathers the best art selected by the best, while embraces the young talents of today’s exciting digital art scene.
The Wrong is divided into online and IRL locations around the world. The online biennale happens in pavilions; virtual curated spaces in which selected works are exhibited. The offline biennale happens in The Wrong Embassy Network, art spaces, galleries, institutions and artist run spaces in cities around the world which feature temporary AFK projects, featuring live performances, workshops, artist talks and exhibitions. The Wrong has no theme. Each of the official pavilions and embassies has a curator or team of curators responsible to select its participating artists.
SundayOct 25 2015DORKBOTPDX October 2015 Workshop: Create a Teensy MIDI Device
This is the first of three audio workshops coming up, exciting!
The Build Your Own Teensy MIDI Encoder Workshop will show you how to use a Teensy 3.1 to create a MIDI encoder that sends MIDI OUT messages over the Teensy's micro-B USB plug.
During the workshop, you will build a serial-to-parallel, parallel-to-serial switch matrix using a Teensy 3.1, a breadboard, IN4148 diodes, and reed switches (if you wish to validate the switch matrix). Darin will demonstrate how to write the switch matrix scan code and how to encode the simulated keypress signals into MIDI OUT messages using the Arduino/Teensy Keypad and MIDI libraries. Extending the code to accommodate MIDI IN, velocity sensitivity and other MIDI messages, as well as using shift registers (74HC595 and 74HC165), will be discussed.
Recommended hardware and software for the workshop:
Teensy 3.1 or 3.2 with header pins Micro-B USB cable Breadboard with jumpers 1N4148 diodes Reed switches and magnets (optional) Laptop loaded with: Arduino/Teensyduino IDE or Microsoft Visual Studio using Visual Micro MIDI-Ox, (PureData can also be used to dump MIDI messages) We will have some extra supplies available.
Instructor: Darin Molnar Sunday, October 25, 1-5pm at Ctrl-H ( 7608 N. Interstate, Portland, OR 97217 Free (Donate to Ctrl-H if possible!) All ages!
MondayJul 27 2015Dorkbot
All meetings are open to the public. Please feel free to drop by to say hello, ask questions, or show off something interesting! We currently have casual, bi-weekly meetings every other Monday. We also have less-frequent "formal" meetings featuring presentations, performances and other interesting activities like OpenDork (where anyone can have a few minutes to discuss their latest project, ideas or whatever). Watch this space for announcements.
MondayJul 13 2015Dorkbot
All meetings are open to the public. Please feel free to drop by to say hello, ask questions, or show off something interesting! We currently have casual, bi-weekly meetings every other Monday. We also have less-frequent "formal" meetings featuring presentations, performances and other interesting activities like OpenDork (where anyone can have a few minutes to discuss their latest project, ideas or whatever). Watch this space for announcements.
SundayMay 3 2015Portland Meshnet Meetup
This is an open meetup and anyone with an interest in Portland Meshnet is welcome! Bring your hardware for testing and experimentation. If you have a chance, set up cjdns and iperf on your systems ahead of time. (this is optional and should not deter new meshnet members from showing up!)
Discussions about: meshbox project, software defined radios, embedded devices, cjdns, cjdns peering, iperf tests
More information is available here, and here