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Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 12:47pm.
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ThursdaySep 8 2022How to Build a Career in Data Science
Today’s economy is turning increasingly toward analytics. Organizations and businesses of all sizes have spent recent years collecting huge amounts of data. According to LinkedIn, there is a massive demand for people who can mine and interpret data. These are the data scientists.
Let’s review how to build a career in a Data Science Course.
ThursdayJan 5 2017
ThursdayOct 20 2016Beers with Engineers
A monthly gathering for Portland area tech junkies. More specifically, those focused on data, emerging technology, and general IT topics. Industry vets, IT pros, nerds, geeks, tech philosoraptors, whatever.... Whether 5 or 50 this is an awesome opportunity to get together and talk shop, learn from peers, or just have some beers and a good time.
No management, No selling, No recruiting, No problems. Talking to people about your product(s) or career networking is fine but people "leeching" on the attendance isn't cool so don't do it. Industry folks with expense cards typically cover festivities but this isn't a "sponsored" event and we don't intend to turn BwE into "powerpoint parties". Venue will be dynamic alternating between locations and if group size demands we'll book a location to support.
If you're new to the group or haven't been out in a while we're a pretty dynamic crowd and always have a lot of fun.
ThursdayJul 21 2016Beers with Engineers
A monthly gathering for Portland area tech junkies. More specifically, those focused on data, emerging technology, and general IT topics. Industry vets, IT pros, nerds, geeks, tech philosoraptors, whatever.... Whether 5 or 50 this is an awesome opportunity to get together and talk shop, learn from peers, or just have some beers and a good time.
No management, No selling, No recruiting, No problems. Talking to people about your product(s) or career networking is fine but people "leeching" on the attendance isn't cool so don't do it. Industry folks with expense cards typically cover festivities but this isn't a "sponsored" event and we don't intend to turn BwE into "powerpoint parties". Venue will be dynamic alternating between locations and if group size demands we'll book a location to support.
If you're new to the group or haven't been out in a while we're a pretty dynamic crowd and always have a lot of fun.
WednesdayMar 25 2015