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Tuesday, December 17, 2013 at 3:27pm and last updated
Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 1:32pm.
Tilde Inc
Future events happening here
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Past events that happened here
TuesdayFeb 24 2015Ember.js February 2015 Meetup
Registration will open at 12noon PST on Monday, February 9, 2015.
6:30pm - 7:00pm: Check-In, Networking and Food
7:00pm - 7:40pm: Thinking About Dynamic Graphic Composition in Ember, by Chris Henn
7:40pm - 7:45pm: Break
7:45pm - 8:15pm: EmberConf Demo Preview, by Yehuda Katz and Tom Dale
8:15pm - 8:30pm: Wrap-ups, NetworkingProgram
Thinking About Dynamic Graphic Composition in Ember, by Chris Henn
Ember's declarative object model and data-binding make it an excellent fit for building data visualizations that respond to change. This talk presents two ways to think about building dynamic SVG visualizations in Ember in the context of Hadley Wickham's "The Grammar of Graphics". Along the way various subjects will be discussed, including code reuse and composition with Ember components and d3, imperative vs. declarative style tradeoffs, and tips and tricks for making visualizations easy to build and use.
EmberConf Demo Preview, by Yehuda Katz and Tom Dale
Tom and Yehuda will give us a sneak peak of the demo they plan to show as part of their EmberConf opening keynote :)We've got plenty of room, but RSVPs via Meetup ARE required.
See you soon...Sponsors
Envy is a web consultancy that helps transform ideas into successful products. We believe that great ideas can solve problems and improve lives — we work to solve those problems and improve the world around us through design and technology.
HealthSparq helps people make smarter health care choices. By offering tools that help people find providers, determine individualized costs and access quality and patient reviews, HealthSparq ensures that people are empowered to get the highest quality health care at the lowest cost.
TuesdayJun 17 2014Portland Ember Meetup
Same basic formula: good people, good food, good talks. We'll generally have two talks, usually at different skill levels, some break and networking time, and other topically relevant things as they come up.
Could you be our next speaker? Please reach out! Events at Tilde dot io.
If you or your company would be up for sponsoring, we can use all the help we can get (especially if we want to keep up the good-food trend!). Meetup sponsorships can be just a few hundred dollars, and make a tremendous difference. Please reach out!
We've got plenty of room, but RSVPs via Meetup ARE required.
See you soon...
TuesdayApr 15 2014Portland Ember Meetup
And we're back! Posting this mostly as a save-the-date, but we're already working on the next PDX Ember Meetup :) RSVPs will go out ~2 weeks before the event.
The basic formula: good people, good food, good talks. We'll generally have two talks, usually at different skill levels, some break and networking time, and other topically relevant things as they come up.
If you or someone you know would like to take a stab at presenting (either a full talk slot, or even a short lightning talk), please get in touch. We'd love to have you!
Similarly, if you or your company would be up for sponsoring, we can use all the help we can get (especially if we want to keep up the good-food trend!). Please reach out to discuss.
TuesdayJan 14 2014First Ever Ember PDX Meetup!
Members of the Ember Core Team have recently moved to Portland, and we're really excited to get a local chapter of the Ember Meetup spun up and flourishing! We'll be meeting at the Tilde offices and mimicking the events we've been putting on San Francisco for years.
The basic formula: good people, good food, good talks. We'll generally have two talks, usually at different skill levels, some break and networking time, and other topically relevant things as they come up.
We'll be announcing the talks for this meetup shortly and opening registration on December 30th, but for now, save the date! We've got plenty of room, but RSVPs via Meetup ARE required.