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Friday, June 26, 2009 at 12:46pm and last updated
Friday, June 26, 2009 at 12:47pm.
Fashionbuddha Studio
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FridayJun 26 2009FlashPDX: MVC and the Bumpslide App Template
David Knape will be at Fashionbuddha Friday night to discuss his Bumpslide App Template. The app template is part of his open-source Bumpslide Library and will be used as a launchpad for discussion of the Model-View-Controller pattern for Flash application development.
The goal is a relaxed talk where we can discuss the basics of why and how to separate application state from view components while touching upon some more advanced topics including data binding and the command pattern.
We’ll also talk about general coding best practices and how the app template relates to some of the other frameworks that are currently floating around the web including PureMVC, Cairngorm, Gaia, and this thing called Flex. Don’t be scared. There will be beer.
This presentation will be broadcast live at: