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Friday, April 17, 2009 at 2:24pm and last updated
Friday, April 17, 2009 at 2:58pm.
Tualatin High School
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MondayJun 22 2009Saturday Academy's Engineering: Electronics, Robotics & Programming for 9th-12th grade studentsthrough
Tualatin High SchoolEngineering: Electronics, Robotics & Programming
Experience some of the many exciting projects that engineers work on as you explore the fields of electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering.
You will design, code, and debug computer programs, create computer games, design and simulate basic digital and analog electrical circuits, build and program lego robots, and custom build a computer from the motherboard up. Learn to think through and solve problems using professional methods and communication tools, just as engineers do in the workplace.
Instructor: Stephanie Viaene
Stephanie Viaene, with a BS in mathematics and an MS in Interdisciplinary Mathematics from the University of Oregon, has taught mathematics and computer programming, web design, and tech support at the junior high and high school level. In 2007 she was awarded the Technology Teacher of the Year award from the Software Association of Oregon.
Instructor: Jill Hubbard
Jill Hubbard teaches pre-engineering classes at Tualatin High School. She has a masters in education and a bachelor's in computer engineering. Before teaching, she was an engineer at Intel Corporation.