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Elephants Delicatessen NW 22nd Ave

115 NW 22nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97210, US (map)

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  • Tuesday
    Jun 16 2009
    *Canceled* Portland AIGA Career Tools Breakfast Series

    Notice: Unfortunately, we've had to cancel this week's Career Tools, due to events beyond our control. As we gain further clarity on our speaker's schedule, watch for an updated listing and join us then.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Canceled **

    Please join AIGA for the next installment of our Career Tools Breakfast Series.

    Trends in Trans-Media: How consumer behavior, business strategy, design innovation and technology intersect to inform brand experiences

    Keith Gerr, Director of Strategy at Opus Creative, will provide data on...

    • what mediums are growing and where marketers arespending their budget
    • tracking audience media consumption shifts to social mobile and other mediums
    • innovative design practices that connect people, products and communications.

    About the Speaker, Keith Gerr Keith lives at the intersection of culture, technology and business. With over 17 years of experience working on both the agency and client side, Keith understands the challenge of keeping brands relevant in an ever-changing media landscape. He embraces the power-shift to consumers and encourages brands to seek open-minded dialogue with their customers, employees and partners.

    Keith is currently Director of Strategy at Opus Creative, providing overall vision, leadership and direction for clients and the company in relation to trans-media brand stewardship. Prior to Opus, Keith was a founding member of MAGNET magazine, Director of Strategic Services at R/GA, Director of Integrated Marketing at InFocus and Director of Brand Innovation at TNG.

    Keith graduated with honors from Temple University with a B.A. in Political Science. In his free time, he enjoys playing his guitar through tube amps at neighbor-waking volumes.

    You can check his head at:

    • blog.opuscreative.com
    • twitter.com/keithgerr

    "There is at least as much to be learned from your detractors as from your loyalists"

    Registration: Please RSVP via online registration only (no money taken at door)

    Cost: AIGA Members: $10.00 Non-members: $15.00 Students: $5
