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FireWorks Restaurant and Bar‎

1115 SE Third Street
Corvallis, Oregon, United States (map)

Future events happening here

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Past events that happened here

  • Wednesday
    Jan 21 2009
    Corvallis Beer and Blog @ Fireworks

    [Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1490606/ ] Our next Beer and Blog will be at Fireworks Restaurant & Bar from 5-7PM. We’ll be having our first topic going over how to start your blog. We’ll discuss how to setup a Blogger site along with setting up WordPress. There probably won’t be enough time to go over all of the steps, but we’ll try to cover the basics at least. Make sure you bring a laptop so we can even help get you started on the spot! Wireless is available there, but it is locked with a key.

    Fireworks was also kind enough to provide a pizza and beer special for us! They’ll have $3 pints and all you can eat pizza for $5. Thanks Ocean for setting that up!
