ERROR: Couldn't find all Calagator::Sources with 'id': (996335705, {:include=>[:events, :venues]}) (found 1 results, but was looking for 2)
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Westin LAX

5400 West Century Boulevard
El Segundo, CA 90045, US (map)

Future events happening here

  • - No events -

Past events that happened here

  • Friday
    Feb 20 2009
    Southern California Linux Expo 7x
    Westin LAX

    The Southern California Linux Expo (“SCALE”) is sponsored by the Linux Expo of Southern California Inc.

    SCALE's mission is to evangelize the advantages of Open Source software. Open Source software is any software that meets the litmus test of the OSI (Open Source Initiative). Examples of OSS are Linux and the various BSD operating systems, and applications such as and Firefox.

    Our target audiences are both current and potential users of OSS. Those users can be individual computer users, educational institutions, or businesses.

    The Expo's educational focus is composed of (but not limited to) technical seminars and booths where, among other things, both commercial software and hardware vendors, and local non-profit groups (for example, Linux Users Groups), participate in product display, and software demonstrations and tutorials, respectively.

    We are vendor- and distribution neutral in our outreach efforts.
