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Sunday, June 8, 2008 at 6:26am and last updated
Sunday, March 6, 2011 at 12:21am.
McMenamins on Broadway
Future events happening here
- - No events -
Past events that happened here
ThursdayJan 23 2014Mini-Hackathon (Android)
This is a meeting to share ideas and get practice for the Little Oregon Laboratory hackathon. Limited to the first 10 to sign up.
Appetizers will be provided.
FridayJan 7 2011Agile Practitioners' Lunch - Eastside
Agile PDX convenes a monthly 1st Friday practitioner's no-host lunch in central/eastside Portland Metro area as an informal complement to the more formal Agile PDX users group meetings (3rd Wednesday).
Come, eat, and discuss all things related (however loosely) to agile software development. We welcome people of all experience levels, from guru to newcomer, and people interested in all flavors of Agile - XP, scrum, crystal, evo, lean/kanban, FDD, build-your-own, etc.
There's also a 3rd Friday westside lunch. Watch for it too!
FridayDec 3 2010Agile Practitioners' Lunch - Eastside
Agile PDX convenes a monthly 1st Friday practitioner's no-host lunch in central/eastside Portland Metro area as an informal complement to the more formal Agile PDX users group meetings (3rd Wednesday).
Come, eat, and discuss all things related (however loosely) to agile software development. We welcome people of all experience levels, from guru to newcomer, and people interested in all flavors of Agile - XP, scrum, crystal, evo, lean/kanban, FDD, build-your-own, etc.
There's also a 3rd Friday westside lunch. Watch for it too!
WednesdayNov 17 2010Agile PDX November Meeting - "The After Party"
We're meeting after the SAO day-long event,"Blurring the Lines between QA & Dev in an Agile Environment." Local Agilists will reflect on what we heard or said in presentations at the event, then we'll apply "personal kanban" to create table topic lists for the evening.
You don't have to have attended the SAO event to join us.
- If your business card says programmer, tester, project manager, product manager or coach (or would if you had one)
- If you use Agile methods, practices, principles or approaches
- If you seek opportunities to keep working for companies that prefer an Agile approach
- If you want to recruit team members who know how to work in an Agile environment
- If you're curious about any the above, Come on over.
We welcome practitioners from all Agile-related frameworks--Scrum, XP, Adaptive, EVO, Lean, Kanban, Scrumban, Crystal, FDD, AUP, DSDM, etc. And people who want to learn about same.
FridaySep 3 2010Agile Practitioners' Lunch
This is the informal complement to the more formal agile users group meetings. Come, eat, and discuss all things related (however loosely) to agile software development. We welcome people of all experience levels, from guru to newcomer.
FridayJul 2 2010Agile Practitioners' Lunch (organized by Agile/XPDX)
This is the informal complement to the more formal agile users group meetings. Come, eat, and discuss all things related (however loosely) to agile software development. We welcome people of all experience levels, from guru to newcomer.
TuesdayMay 25 2010UX Book Club PDX: "Neuro Web Design: What Makes Them Click?"
Interested in user experience in all of its forms? Enjoy reading? Want to combine the two in a social setting with other smart, like-minded people, and maybe drink a beer?
Join us for Portland's 7th UX Book Club meeting. At this session, we're reading "Neuro Web Design: What Makes Them Click?". (
Follow us on Twitter: Website:
FridayMay 7 2010Agile Practitioners' Lunch
This is the informal complement to the more formal agile users group meetings. Come, eat, and discuss all things related (however loosely) to agile software development. We welcome people of all experience levels, from guru to newcomer.
FridayApr 2 2010Agile Practitioners' Lunch
This is the informal complement to the more formal agile users group meetings. Come, eat, and discuss all things related (however loosely) to agile software development. We welcome people of all experience levels, from guru to newcomer.
FridayMar 5 2010Agile Practitioners' Lunch
This is the informal complement to the more formal agile users group meetings. Come, eat, and discuss all things related (however loosely) to agile software development. We welcome people of all experience levels, from guru to newcomer.
FridayFeb 5 2010Agile Practitioners' Lunch
This is the informal complement to the more formal XPDX meetings. Come, eat, and discuss all things related (however loosely) to agile software development. We welcome people of all experience levels, from guru to newcomer.
FridayNov 6 2009Agile networking lunch
This is an informal lunch that happens regularly on the first Friday of the month. Come chat about agile software development with practitioners and folks who would like to be practitioners. Interest is required; experience is not.
FridayJul 3 2009XPDX/Agile Enthusiasts Pub Lunch
Casual conversation over no-host lunch about all things relevant to Agile software development. Sometimes a few of us show up to talk, more often a dozen (or more) practitioners join the fun.
- If your business card says programmer, tester, project manager, product manager or coach (or would if you had one)
- If you use Agile methods, practices, principles or approaches
- If you seek opportunities to keep working for companies that prefer an Agile approach
- If you want to recruit dev team members who know how to work in an Agile environment
- If you're curious about any the above Come on over for lunch.
We welcome practitioners from all Agile flavors--Scrum, XP, DSDM, Crystal, FDD, AUP, Adaptive, EVO, etc.
FridayJun 5 2009Agile Pub Lunch sponsored by XPDX & APLN-PDX
Casual conversation over no-host lunch about all things relevant to Agile software development. Sometimes a few of us show up to talk, more often a dozen (or more) practitioners join the fun.
- If your business card says programmer, tester, project manager, product manager or coach (or would if you had one)
- If you use Agile methods, practices, principles or approaches
- If you seek opportunities to keep working for companies that prefer an Agile approach
- If you want to recruit dev team members who know how to work in an Agile environment
- If you're curious about any the above Come on over for lunch.
We welcome practitioners from all Agile flavors--Scrum, XP, DSDM, Crystal, FDD, AUP, Adaptive, EVO, etc.
FridayMar 20 2009XPDX/Agile Enthusiasts Pub Lunch
Monthly pub lunch featuring our stories about "doing" & "being" Agile; i.e., using XP, Scrum, Lean, et al, for software development. Seasoned practitioners and new-to-Agile welcome. We're usually at one (or more) of the long tables in the middle.
FridayFeb 20 2009XPDX Pub Lunch
Monthly late lunch at a pub featuring, food, beers, and casual conversation to share our experiences with Agile methods/practices/approaches/events. A time for more discussion of the speaker meeting topic (or not) from Wednesday night.
FridayJan 16 2009XPDX lunch (eXtreme Programming)
Join other XP and agile methdology practitioners and enthusiasts for a lunchtime discussion.
XPDX is group of IT professionals in the Portland, Oregon area that are interested in Extreme Programming and Agile software development methodologies.
FridayDec 19 2008XPDX Conversation meeting
Monthly, 3rd Friday meeting of the Extreme Programming user group conversation meeting to discuss all things Agile and Extreme Programming.
FridayAug 15 2008xpportland montly meeting (extreme programming)
Hello all,
We've formed a third-Friday-of-the-month pattern, so XPDX and APLN-PDX folks will gather once again on Friday, August 15, at McMenamins on Broadway (in the Lloyd Center area, NE 16th & Broadway) at ~1:00 - 3:00 p.m. For more, see .
Some of us are just back from Agile 2008, so no doubt we'll have some informal conversation about that and other topics, as well as good food and drink. We've consistently attracted a group of 15-18 people, so we usually have 3-4 conversations happening at once. Pick the one that most interests you.
I have a bit of extra conference swag to give away, FCFS. (Better stuff than last month - t-shirts, usb 2.0 hubs...) If you attended the conference in Toronto and have swag to share, bring it along.
If you know of other Agilistas in our area (or inquisitive observers and curious seekers), please invite them to join us.
This fall (starting in September?), we'll add the occasional evening speaker program. And, by popular request, we'll keep our casual, conversational, 3rd Fridays going. Watch this space for more announcements of our speaker schedule.
For everyone who is on vacation this week, have a great time. We'll see you in September.
Best, Diana
** Diana Larsen co-author: "Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great!" board chair, Agile Alliance, "Passion. Improvement. Delivery." website: blogger:
Attend Agile 2008! Aug 4-8 in Toronto Canada
FridayJul 18 2008Agile User Group July 18 meeting
Hi all,
We had a great turnout in both May and June, so we're going to continue the trend. Our next meeting of XPDX and APLN-PDX will once again fall on the third Friday of the month.
Friday, July 18, 1:00 pm until 3:00-ish or whenever the compelling conversations break up. At McMenamins on NE Broadway and 15th Ave. near Lloyd Center
We'll have a bit of formal discussion this time about venues on the west side, and whether we want to have occasional speakers. Maybe in the fall?
Spread the word. Come along and give us your thoughts. Or just come for the beer and McMenamins burgers. Or the tots. Mmmmm. Tots.
See you there, Diana
FridayJun 20 2008Portland Xp Users Group (xpdx), lunch meeting
Portland Xp Users Group New Experimental Meeting Schedule Announcement
Lunch at McMenamin's on NE Broadway (upstairs) May 23 and June 20, 2008 1:00 pm until ~3:00 pm Come. Eat. Talk. If we hold it, and you join us, we'll do it again.