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Viewing 0 current events matching “vacuum tubes” by Date.

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Viewing 2 past events matching “vacuum tubes” by Date.

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Oct 24, 2015
EAST Knowledge - Going Back in Time for Some Vintage Howdunit
Gresham Library Meeting Room

EAST Knowledge invites you to attend our sixth meeting! All are welcome!

What: Going Back in Time for Some Vintage Howdunit Who: Bill Howland Where The Meeting Room at the Gresham Library When: 10:30am-Noon, Saturday, October 24th, 2015 Why: Sharing what we know

Bill Howland will re-introduce us to vacuum tubes and their uses. He will:

  • Give a summary of the origins of vacuum and gas diodes and related thermionic devices
  • Have show-n-tell demonstrations of the earliest and simplest of such devices: The diode.

Come and learn something old!

Vacuum tube diodes were put to use in the early days of radio as "detectors", because they were more robust and reliable than crystal, mechanical, and chemical contrivances used for this purpose. With further development, thermionic vacuum and gas diodes advanced to be capable of power rectification with ever greater efficiencies.

Many example devices from the 1930's to 1950's will be available to examine. There will be orange, purple, and blue glows in the demonstrations!

Bill shares some of his projects on his blog: Evil Science Audio

Mar 12, 2016
EAST Knowledge - The Joys and Sorrows of 3D Printing!
Gresham Library Meeting Room

EAST Knowledge is excited to host Michael Yurkoski for our seventh meeting. Join us for Michael’s talk describing his experiences with using a 3D printer in the home. All are welcome!

What: The Joys and Sorrows of 3D Printing! Who: Michael Yurkoski Where Large Meeting Room at the Gresham Library When: 10:30am-Noon, Saturday, March 12th, 2016 Why: Sharing what we know

Michael has been doing an intense dive into the practical side of 3D printing, and he wants to share with our group the lessons he has learned. He intends to:

  • Give a brief intro into the history of hobby 3D printing
  • Explain why 3D printers are interesting
  • Expound on why 3D printers are loathsome
  • Explore how 3D printers work
  • Demonstrate how he designs a widget
  • Show off a printing like a pro (which Michael insists he is not)

We hope to have time for Q&A at the end. If you’ve been curious what all the fuss over 3D printers is about, or would like to commiserate with a fellow 3D printer enthusiast, join us for our meeting. We hope to see you there!
