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Viewing 4 past events matching “updatepdx” by Date.

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Jan 13, 2011
UpdatePDX - Unidentified Database Meetup

A new meetup for data herders focusing on distributed databases, scaling, and any related data or messaging systems.

The first presentation will be by Michael Schurter on MongoDB - particularly the pros and cons Urban Airship has discovered while running half a dozen MongoDB servers.

Erik Onnen will be giving a 5 minute lightning talk on how he plans to use Kafka at Urban Airship.

Beer and possibly snacks will be provided by Urban Airship.

Please RSVP so we know about how many people to expect.

Feb 24, 2011
UpdatePDX: Infrastructure - Redis, Xapian, and RabbitMQ
Cloudability recently rolled out a new support which included a completely re-architectured backend. 3 developers from will be presenting on different components of infrastructure:

Long Talks: (~30min)

  • Michel Pellitier on Using Xapain for Full-Text Search
  • Jason Kirtland on Using RabbitMQ for Pub/Sub

Short Talk: (~15 min)

  • Dan Colish on Redis - "If you're not using Redis, you suck"

Please RSVP on the meetup site and sign up for the mailing list.

Mar 24, 2011
UpdatePDX monthly meeting

ABOUT THE GROUP: With new databases springing up faster than new food carts this meetup aims to cut through the hype and disseminate knowledge from people who have been using, scaling, and getting-paged-by databases and other systems in production environments.

Meetups will be a presentation on someone's experience with a database or related technology in production preceded by 1 or 2 people giving 5 minute lightning talks on technologies they've just begun using and are excited about.

Hopefully a few months after giving a lightning talk the speaker will return to present on their experience as the main presentation.

If nothing else, come by to have a beer and share war stories with others trying to fight through the hype and keep their systems humming.

Please RSVP on the meetup site and sign up for the mailing list.

May 4, 2011
Couchbase Meetup
Vintage Plaza, Tuscany A and B Room


In conjunction with JSConf, Couchbase will be in Portland for this one-time meetup!

Our own J. Chris Anderson and Dustin Sallings will be hosting an afternoon event. In this live coding tutorial, they will take you from never having downloaded CouchDB or Couchbase, all the way through to a running jQuery-based real time chat app.

We will also have some lightning talks by some of our community members.

Thanks to JSConf and Update Portland for helping us put this together.

Couchbase is the name of the new NoSQL database company and product family created through the merger of CouchOne and Membase. Couchbase products, which are built on Apache CouchDB, Membase, and memcached open source software, represent the most comprehensive family of data management solutions for building scalable web and mobile applications, with indexing, flexible querying and ease of use that developers love; and elastic clustering, robust storage management and consistently high performance relied on by system administrators and operators. Couchbase is a privately held company funded by Accel Partners, Mayfield Fund, North Bridge Venture Partners and Redpoint Ventures.
